New Post


Some exciting news this morning from Study Hall: We’ve officially launched the new Study Hall Opportunity Finder and Editor Database. 

Here’s a quick video showing the new tools:

You can access these new tools right now following the steps below:

  1. Visit

  2. Choose your plan

  3. Boom, you’re in!

Here is an FAQ:

What’s going to happen to the Opportunities newsletter? 

The opportunities newsletter will continue to be sent out once a week for members who prefer that format. The Opportunity Finder and Opportunity Newsletter will pull from the same group of opportunities, with the newsletter being a more curated weekly experience and the finder more customizable and real time. 

Does Opportunity Finder impact my income from projects? 

No, this isn’t Upwork. Study Hallers keep 100% of the money they make via the Opportunity Finder.

How will I communicate with editors? 

Study Hallers are not forced to communicate in some annoying in-app inbox thing. You get to communicate via email. Your emails will look like any other the editor would receive. Once an editor responds, their full email address is unmasked to you and you can build that relationship however you like. They never see any masking or Study Hall markings/logos.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions!

